UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, DC 20549 OMB APPROVAL OMB Number: 3235-0145 Expires: December 31, 1997 Estimated Average Burden hours per Response 14.90 SCHEDULE 13-G Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No._______)* ROPER INDUSTRIES (Name of Issuer) COMMON STOCK (Title of Class of Securities) 055652101 (CUSIP Number) Check the following box if a fee is being paid with this statement. (A fee is not required only if the filling person: (1) has a previous statement on file re porting benenfical ownership of more than five percent of the class of securities described in Item 1; and (2) has filed no amendment subsequent thereto reporting beneficial ownership of five percent or less of such class.) (See Rule 13d-7). * The remainder of this cover page shall be filled out for a reporting person's initial filing on this form with respect to the subject class of securities, and for any sbsequent amendment containing information which would alter the disclosures provided in a prior cover page. The information required in the remainder of theis cover page shall not be deemed to be "filed" for the purpose of Section 18 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Act") or otherwise subject to the liabilities of that section of the Act but hsall be subject to all other provisions of the Act (however, see the Notes). SEC 1745 (2-95) CUSIP No. 77669610 13-G 1 NAME OF REPORTING PERSON SS or IRS IDENTIFICATION NO OF ABOVE PERSON Beck, Mack & Oliver LLC 13-0477010 2 CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX IF A MEMBER OF A GROUP* (a) [__] (b) [__] 3 SEC USE ONLY 4 CITIZENSHIP OR PLACE OF ORGANIZATION New York NUMBER OF 5 SOLE VOTING POWER SHARES -0- BENEFICIALLY 6 SHARED VOTING POWER OWNED BY -0- EACH 7 SOLE DISPOSITIVE POWER REPORTING -0- PERSON 8 SHARED DISPOSITIVE POWER WITH 1,993,327 SHARES 9 AGGREGATE AMOUNT BENEFICIALLY OWNED BY EACH REPORTING PERSON 1,993,327 SHARES 10 CHECK BOX IF THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT IN ROM (9) EXCLUDES CERTAIN SHARES* 11 PERCENT OF CLASS REPRESENTED BY AMOUNT IN ROW 9 6.46% 12 TYPE OF REPORTING PERSON * 1A General Instructions: Item 1 a. Name of Issuer Roper Industries, Inc. b. Address of Issuer: 160 Ben Burton Road, Bogart, GA 30622 Item 2 Name of Company Filing a. Beck, Mack & Oliver b. 330 Madison Avenue,New York, NY 10017-5001 c. New York d. Common e. Cusip# 77669610 Item 3 Investment Advisor Item 4 a. Amount Benefically owned 1,993,327 shares b. Percent of Class 6.46% c. (i) (ii) (iii) N/A (iv) 1,993,327 shares Item 5 NA Item 6 Ownership of more than five percent on behalf of another person The securities covered by this statement are owned by investment advisory clients of Beck, Mack & Oliver LLC. These clients have the right to recieve or the power to direct the receipt of dividends from, or the proceeds from the sale of, such securities. No one of these clients owns more than 5% of such class of securities. Item 7 N/A Item 8 N/A Item 9 N/A Item 10 We are filing electronically, no manually, therefore we are no supplying a signature area.